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Oct 2024, Vol 12, Issue 4
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Author Index

AuthorsPage Numbers
Alenazi MH 160
Alhammadi MH 160
Alsahlani E 167
Alsayed RS 160
Alsharif RA 160
Aminimoghaddam S 190
Amiriam M 167
Arbedili NS 184
Azizi H 174
Bafrani MA 152
Bahadori F 180
Bahkali NM 160
Bondagji NS 160
Dashti S 174
Davarnia G 150
Ganje SJ 174
Hajizadeh R 180
Hamednasimi P 190
Hazazi EY 160
Kamkarfar P 190
Kariman N 184
Khadem N 167
Khaki A 150
Khalkhali HR 180
Khazaee A 167
Kiani M 190
Mahmoudinia M 167, 167
Majdi L 180
Mehrabi E 152
Najafi TF 174
Pourali L 174
Sadeghi T 167
Saffarieh E 190
Sawan DS 160
Sağsöz N 150
Shaigan H 152
Shamoradifar Z 152
Shamsdanesh S 152
Soleimany A 180
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