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Oct 2024, Vol 12, Issue 4
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Publication Charge

Publication Fee

Our publication operates under a Gold Open Access model. Upon acceptance, the journal imposes article-processing charges (APCs) ranging from 300 to 800 (USD) for accepted articles. There are no charges at the time of submission, but once an article has been accepted following peer review, the author(s) must pay a non-refundable fee of 300 to 800 (USD) for each accepted manuscript. The corresponding author will receive an invoice for each accepted manuscript.  Upon receipt and confirmation of payment, the accepted manuscript will be forwarded to the production office and published online within a maximum of one month.

Why do our journals have APCs

Open access publishing is not without costs. ARAS PART MEDICAL INT PRESS defrays these costs through APCs because it does not have subscription charges for its research content. This publisher instead believes that immediate, worldwide, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research articles is in the best interests of the scientific community.

Article-processing charges is paid for:

  • Immediate, worldwide open access to the full article text
  • Developing and maintaining electronic tools for peer review and publication
  • Preparation in various formats for online publication
  • Securing inclusion in CrossRef and CrossMark, enabling electronic citation in other journals that are available electronically
  • Checking article by iThenticate software.
  • Indexing services
  • Administrative support
  • Editorial works

The cost of APC is applicable for all types of articles, excluding invited letters to the editor and editorial pieces. The following table provides a breakdown of the publication fees for each article type.

Article type Submission by APC (USD)*
Editorial Editorial Board Members Free
Letter to Editor All authors 300
All review articles (Systematic review, short review, scoping review, Meta-analysis) All authors 800
Original Articles  All authors 800
Study Protocol All authors 800
Short Communication All authors 500
Case Report All authors 800

 *excluding Value Added Tax (VAT) and bank transfer charges.


Waiver policy

APC waivers or discounts will be available to reviewers who have completed three high-quality peer reviews (as judged by editors) for the journal. All editorials and invited letters to the editors are not subject to publication fees.

Important Note: Our journal will not refund any publication fees since the APC will only be received after acceptance. If an article is retracted due to author's error or misconduct, the APCs will not be refunded. If the author/s withdraw the manuscript before receiving the first decision, they are not obligated to pay. However, if they withdraw after receiving the first decision, they must pay a withdrawal fee equivalent to 40% of the APC.

Language editing services

Kindly ensure that your text is written in proper English (either American or British usage is acceptable, but not a combination of both). Upon acceptance of the articles, authors will be referred to the journal's or publisher's editing service to rectify any potential grammatical or spelling errors and to adhere to the appropriate scientific standards. The authors will be responsible for covering the fee of 250 USD for this service.


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