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Jan 2015, Vol 3, Issue 1
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Original Article
Study of Knowledge and Practice of University Females Regarding Reproductive Health and Hygiene in Hail, Saudi Arabia
Rafia Bano, Fatima Abdullah Al Sabhan
Department of clinical Nutrition, college of Applied Medical Sciences, University of hail,City of Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

IJWHR 2015; 3: 031-039
DOI: 10.15296/ijwhr.2015.06
Viewed : 8817 times
Downloaded : 9170 times.

Keywords : Menstrual Cycle, Hygiene, Reproduction, Health Knowledge, Practice, Contraceptive Agents, Menarche
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Objectives: Menstruation, although a natural process, is often linked with different types of misconceptions and social taboos, such as treating the menstruating girls as dirty, and not allowing them to discuss the menstruation related problems with other family members. All of this will eventually lead to adverse health outcomes. Keeping these facts in mind the present study was formulated to find out the knowledge and practice of university females in the area of reproductive health and hygiene.

Materials and Methods: The study was carried out using a pretested and modified questionnaire. Leaflets explaining the objectives of the study were distributed in different departments of the university and subjects were invited to participate in the study. After getting an informed consent, those who agreed to fill the questionnaire were included in the study. Data were entered into SPSS-17.0 for the purpose of statistical analysis.

Results: The present study shows mean age at menarche as 12.91±1.65 years. 62.5% of the subjects were aware of the menstrual cycle before their first menarche. Although 80% of the girls knew that maintaining personal hygiene can prevent problems and pain, only 62% followed satisfactory routines of hygiene. The overall score for knowledge regarding reproductive health and hygiene was found to be 54%.

Conclusion: Results of the study concluded that menstrual hygiene, as a very important aspect of reproductive health, is often neglected and should be given utmost importance in the education curriculum, especially from the higher secondary levels. However, more research with strong evidences is further needed.

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