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Oct 2022, Vol 10, Issue 4
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Original Article
Post-COVID-19 Menstrual Symptom Disorders Relating to Anxiety and Long COVID-19 Symptoms
Buket Akıncı, Damla K. Dayican, Eyüp Günay, Nilgün Coşar, Hakan Y. Ötün, Rumeysa Kılınç, İnci Kurban, Kübra Punar, Elif Karagülle, Semiha Açıkalın, Serhat Başçi
Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Biruni University, Istanbul, Turkey

IJWHR 2022; 10: 186-193
DOI: 10.15296/ijwhr.2022.32
Viewed : 2100 times
Downloaded : 1464 times.

Keywords : Public health, Evaluation, Experience
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Objectives: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can affect the menstrual cycle and menstrual flow. To examine changes in menstrual symptoms of women recovering from COVID-19 and to identify factors that influence these changes.

Materials and Methods: A questionnaire, prepared using Google Forms, was completed by 180 women (26.08±6.62 years) recovered from COVID-19. The menstrual symptoms, menstrual pain, fatigue severity and anxiety level of the participants were evaluated respectively with the Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire (MSQ), visual analogue scale (VAS), fatigue severity scale (FSS), and coronavirus anxiety scale (CAS).

Results: Post-COVID-19 individuals’ MSQ totals, subgroup scores, FSS scores and menstrual pain levels showed significant increase compared to pre-COVID-19. Regression analysis identified that age at menarche, changes in FSS and VAS scores as contributors to 38.4% of the variance explained in the significant regression for change in MSQ score. Individuals with prolonged fatigue, muscle–joint pain and dyspnea symptoms showed increase in MSQ total scores (P = 0.006, P = 0.009, P = 0.046 respectively) and MSQ negative effects/somatic complaints scores (P = 0.004, P = 0.002, P = 0.017 respectively). Individuals with prolonged gastrointestinal symptoms showed increase in MSQ pain symptoms (P = 0.029) and MSQ coping methods scores (P = 0.002), while those with prolonged muscle and joint pain showed increase in MSQ coping methods (P = 0.022) scores.

Conclusions: The results of this study indicated that menstrual symptoms, fatigue, and menstrual pain severity are deteriorated in women recovered from COVID-19. Age at menarche, changes in fatigue and menstrual pain after COVID-19 were determiners of the deteriorated menstrual symptoms. Menstrual symptoms were more severe in those who have prolonged fatigue, dyspnea, muscle–joint pain and gastrointestinal symptoms.

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Articles by Akıncı B
Articles by K. Dayican D
Articles by Günay E
Articles by Coşar N
Articles by Y. Ötün H
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Articles by Kurban İ
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Articles by Buket Akıncı
Articles by Damla K. Dayican
Articles by Eyüp Günay
Articles by Nilgün Coşar
Articles by Hakan Y. Ötün
Articles by Rumeysa Kılınç
Articles by İnci Kurban
Articles by Kübra Punar
Articles by Elif Karagülle
Articles by Semiha Açıkalın
Articles by Serhat Başçi

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