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Jan 2016, Vol 4, Issue 1
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Original Article
The Effect of Infection With Genital Mycoplasma hominis and the Presence of Antisperm Antibodies in Iranian Women With Unexplained Infertility
Mana Talebi Farahani1, Farzaneh Hoseini1, Arash Minai-Tehrani2, Marefat Ghafari Novin3
1Department of Microbiology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Nanobiotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
3Cellular and Molecular & Stem Cell Research Center, Sarem?s Women Hospital, Tehran, Iran

IJWHR 2016; 4: 018-022
DOI: 10.15296/ijwhr.2016.05
Viewed : 4990 times
Downloaded : 4322 times.

Keywords : Antisperm antibody, Infertility, Mycoplasma hominis
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Objectives: Mycoplasma hominis infection is considered as one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Antibodies against sperm can influence fertilization through different mechanisms. These two factors can affect women's fertility status.Therefore, this study conduct to evaluate relationship between infection with genital Mycoplasma hominis and the presence of anti sperm antibodies (ASA).

Materials and Methods: Case-control study was conducted using 50 patients with primary or secondary infertility as a case group and 50 healthy women as a control group in Sarem?s Women Hospital. DNA was extracted from urine samples and the presence of Mycoplasma hominis (past infection) was determined by PCR. In addition, the presence of antibody against Mycoplasma hominis in the serum (current infection) was assessed by ELISA. On the other hand, the presence of antibody against sperm (ASA) was further evaluated by IgG MAR test in the serum.

Results: Our results clearly demonstrated the prevalence of Mycoplasma hominis(evaluated by PCR) in the two groups was not significantly different. Furthermore, the presence of antibodies against Mycoplasma hominis and sperm was not significantly different as compared between fertile and infertile women.

Conclusion: The current study demonstrated that there is no distinct association between current or past infection with Mycoplasma hominis and the levels of anti-sperm antibody in women with unexplained infertility.This results can be due to limitation in antiserum used in IgG MAR test to recognize all anti sperm antibodies in serum of infertile women.

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