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Jul 2024, Vol 12, Issue 3
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International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences

6 record(s) found.
  • Haghi1 HB, Hakimi2 S, Mirghafourvand2 M, Charandabi2 SM, Farahbakhsh3 M
    Comparison of Quality of Life Between Urban and Rural Menopause Women and its Predictors: A Population Base Study International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2017 ;5(2):137-142

  • Mohammad-Alizadeh1 S, Dokhanchi1 T, Hakimi1 S, Javadzadeh2 Y, Takallu3 L, Gharabaghi1 PM
    The Addition of Vitamin C Vaginal Tablets to Oral Metronidazole and its Effect on the Treatment and Recurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis: A Randomized Triple-Blind Clinical Trial International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2017 Summer;5(3):193?199

  • Ghehi1 LM, Jafarabadi2 MA, Hakimi1 S, Nourizadeh1 R, Mehrabi1 E, Ebrahimpour1 M
    Menopausal Symptoms Management Decision Aid Trails: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2022 ;10(2):071-078

  • Dousti1 R, Hakimi1 S, Pourfathi2 H, Nourizadeh1 R, Sattarzadeh1 N
    Cesarean Section Can Be Related With Postpartum Depression: A Cross-sectional Study International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2022 ;10(4):219-224

  • Mokhtari1 F, Mousavi2 S, Nourizadeh2 R, Hakimi2 S, Mehrabi2 E, Shamsalizadeh3 N
    Childbirth Satisfaction in Women With Psychological Traumatic Childbirth International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2023 Winter;11(1):011-015

  • Mousavi1 S, Nourizadeh1 R, Babapour2 J, Hakimi1 S, Mokhtari3 F
    Investigating the Effect of Debriefing Intervention on Postpartum Posttraumatic Stress Disorder International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2024 Winter;12(1):042-047


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