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Jul 2024, Vol 12, Issue 3
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International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences

4 record(s) found.
  • Mokhlesi1 S, Simbar2 M, Tehrani3 FR, Kariman4 N, Majd5 HA
    Quality of Life and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Review Study International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2019 Summer;7(3):255-262

  • Mohammadzadeh1 F, Dolatian2 M, Jorjani3 M, Afrakhteh4 M, Majd5 HA, Qorbani6 M
    The Effectiveness of Single-Dose Azithromycin Versus its Combination With Moxifloxacin Based on the Treatment of Chlamydial Cervicitis: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2019 ;7(4):442?450

  • Pourmohsen1 M, Simbar3 M, Nahidi1 F, Fakor4 F, Majd5 HA
    Women?s Experiences of Infection With Human Papillomavirus in the Face of Disease Symptoms: A Qualitative Study International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2020 Winter;8(1):037-045

  • Bakht1 R, Dolatian2 M, Hajian2 S, Montazeri3 A, Majd4 HA, Zare2 E
    Women’s Reproductive Health Literacy: A Qualitative Study International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2023 Winter;11(1):016-024


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